Major Accomplishments – Categorized by Strategic Initiatives:
Strategic Initiative One: Compliance and Expectations
- Monitor and report key performance indicators (KPI’s) for all essential systems and processes
- Maintain comprehensive Risk Management Program to identify, classify, and mitigate risk exposure
- Perform equipment and system reporting to agencies such as TDLR, TCEQ, and SECO for licensing, emissions permitting, energy conservation, etc.
Strategic Initiative Two: Safety & Security
- Manage comprehensive departmental safety program in partnership with Environmental Health & Safety
- Electronic access control and security monitoring in all utility plants and switching stations
Strategic Initiative Three: Resources
- FY11 – Implemented AiM resource management system to monitor and report all work progress and status
- FY12 – Implemented Kronos time management system to ensure accuracy and accountability
- Strategic planning and management for capital upgrades and risk mitigation for $1.5 billion infrastructure
Strategic Initiative Four: Customer Service
Improved customer service and productivity measures
- FY11 – Established AggieWorks Center, with Facilities Services, to receive and process all work requests
- Ongoing reporting of key performance indicators (KPIs) to maintain and monitor performance
- Implemented effective web‐based customer service training for UES employees
AggieWorks Center
- Actively engaged in the implementation, roll out, and operation of AiM and AggieWorks
- Customer service request and reporting center for both UES and Facilities Services
Expanded UES customer service role and level of responsibility
- Assumed expanded role to operate and maintain all building automation and HVAC monitoring and control systems in campus facilities
- First response on all comfort (hot & cold) calls and regulation of building environmental standards
- Over 3,000 HVAC‐related work orders processed by UES technicians annually
- Additional responsibility assumed by UES freed up significant Facilities Services resources to meet other essential needs
- Operate, maintain and optimize one of the world’s largest campus building automation systems
- Close working relationship with campus community and departmental representatives
- Support Research Compliance & Biosafety and Comparative Medicine Program to maintain high‐level safety standards and meet accreditation requirements
- Established Energy Stewardship Program (ESP) to ensure customer needs are met most efficiency
- Building retro‐commissioning program optimizes energy system operation for peak performance
Strategic Initiative Five: Deferred Maintenance
Utility infrastructure capital renewal and upgrade program proactively avoids deferred maintenance
- $200 million capital plan completed since 2002 to meet infrastructure upgrade and expansion needs
- Actively managing $5 million annual capital renewal program, with cost recovery through utility rates
- Updated utility & energy capital plan in FY12, defining specific requirements through FY16
- Actively involved in planning, design, and construction of utility infrastructure expansion for all facilities
Strategic Initiative Six: Workforce
Employee Development Program
- Established career development ladders and appropriate compensation updates for all UES employees
- Implemented organizational changes to support continued progress and optimize organization
- Developed and implemented extensive training and development program to enhance employee skills
Strategic Initiative Seven: Sustainability
Energy efficiency and environmental improvement through consumption and cost reduction
- Reduced university energy consumption by 40 percent per square from FY02 to FY12
- Achieved corresponding reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and GHG footprint
- Cost avoided $125 million since 2002 through improved operating efficiency and optimization
- Implemented Energy Action Plan (EAP) 2015 and Energy Stewardship Program (ESP)
Energy Action Plan (EAP) 2015
- Comprehensive program to reduce energy consumption an additional 20 percent from FY10 baseline
- Achieved 10 percent consumption reduction per GSF since FY10 (50 percent of EAP 2015 goal)
- EAP 2015 Advisory Committee established in FY12 with faculty, student, and staff representation
- Over $8 million in annual energy cost reduction measures implemented or in progress in FY12
- Major improvements include utility plant optimization, HVAC scheduling, and customer engagement
- Education, engagement, and awareness program achieving outstanding results with increased involvement
Energy Stewardship Program (ESP)
- Obtained funding and approval to fully implement ESP in FY12 after successful pilot program
- All six Energy Stewards have been hired and provided with in‐depth training
- Stewards actively fostering improved relationships and customer service in assigned campus buildings
- Identified additional $900,000 in cost avoidance opportunities in FY12 and working on implementation
Building energy efficiency and optimization capital upgrade
- $15 million capital upgrade project completed in FY12 in 18 buildings and 5 parking garages
- Achieved $1.5 million annual energy cost savings through improved facility operating efficiency
- Developed scope, obtained funding, coordinated installation to minimize customer inconvenience
- Project replaced all lighting in five parking garages, installed over 14,000 occupancy sensors, 17,000 ballasts, 72,000 lamps, and over 600 flow control valves
Building Retro‐commissioning Program
- Retro‐commissioning work in progress to optimize HVAC operation in 1 million GSF of building space annually. Mitchell Physics, Jack E Brown, and Kleberg scheduled for retro‐commissioning in FY12
- Leading team to improve operational efficiency of boilers and chillers in campus buildings
Combined Heat and Power Project to be completed in FY12
- $75 million upgrade of major production systems and campus electrical distribution system
- Applied for and received $10 million DOE grant, significantly reducing university capital requirement
- Installed two new generators with 45 megawatts of electrical power generation capacity
- Installed two new boilers with 250,000 pounds per hour of steam generation capacity
- Completed over $20 million in campus electrical distribution system upgrades
- Negotiated and coordinated with Atmos Energy to install upgraded 600 psi NG supply pipeline