Initiative 2 – Energy Performance Improvement (EPI) Program

Strategy Title Initiative 2: Energy Performance Improvement (EPI) Program
Strategy Owner UES and facility managers or building proctors and building occupants
Strategy Description Work closely with facility managers or building proctors and building occupants to achieve greater buy-in through increased engagement to generate more awareness and support at the individual department levels. It is our belief that as customers and occupants understand how much it costs to operate their building, engagement and support for conservation and efficiency improvement efforts will be stronger. Read more about the EPI Program here.


Objective 2.1: Raise awareness and identify opportunities for improved efficiency and sustainability through engagement with facility occupants and stakeholders
Objective 2.2: Implement energy system technical solutions, with occupant engagement and participation, to improve facility operating efficiency and reduce energy consumption and cost.
Objective 2.3: Fully support the efforts of the Green Labs program to not only improve safety but to also reduce energy consumption by ensuring the fume hood sashes are closed when not in use.