The Energy Stewardship Program (ESP) was created as the 1st initiative of the Energy Action Plan (EAP) 2015, which has been established in support of Texas A&M University's Vision 2020: Education First Strategic Plan. The program was implemented to educate and raise awareness about the cost and environmental impact of energy and water consumption at Texas A&M University. This plan continues to develop and change to meet the current needs of the campus. Currently, we are on EAP 2025 which you can read more about.
Energy Stewardship Team
An Energy Stewardship Program was implemented starting in FY09 and was fully implemented in FY12 with a supervisor and six full-time energy stewards. Energy Stewards work closely with students, faculty, staff, building occupants, departmental representatives, facility managers, building proctors, and technical staff to educate, inform and raise awareness about opportunities for improving energy efficiency and conservation, obtaining feedback to ensure customer needs are met while improving building operating conditions, eliminating waste, and effectively stewarding the responsible use of energy. Each Energy Steward is designated to various sets of buildings, ensuring that all the needs throughout campus are met. Find which Energy Steward maintains your building.